Scarlet and Violet players demand changes to ‘misleading’ Shiny Pokémon stat that keeps confusing everyone
Shiny hunting has become a lot easier in recent Pokémon games, but Scarlet and Violet players would like to see a change to a simple stat that shouldn’t be so misleading.
With an open-world setting in Scarlet and Violet, it feels as though a Shiny Pokémon could pop up at any moment, and those odds can be boosted with Mass Outbreaks, a Shiny Charm, a Shiny sandwich, or all of the above. This might encourage you to keep an eye out for any rare Shinies that appear throughout your adventure. I know I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a few Shinies while traveling or EV training, and I’d hate to know how many I might’ve missed on screen or in battle if I wasn’t paying attention.