Red Dead Redemption 2 Audio Files Reveal Hidden Bloopers
If you are a fan of Rockstar Games, you probably know how secretive the publisher is about sharing behind-the-scenes looks at some of its most beloved games. Fortunately, one fan has unearthed a hidden audio file in Red Dead Redemption 2, revealing audio bloopers during the game’s production.
NEWS: A Red Dead fan “Red Dead Redemption Stories” has discovered an incredibly rare audio recording blooper during the production of RDR2.
Timestamp: 0:05
There’s one scene where Benjamin Davis (Dutch) goes off character for a short sec (lol)
— Ben (@videotechuk_) April 2, 2024
A new video uploaded by the YouTube channel Red Dead Redemption Stories reveals that the fan found four audio clips containing bloopers and mistakes. The audio files are part of a scene that appears at the start of the Chapter 2 mission, A Quiet Time.
In one audio blooper, you can hear the voice actors walking across the stage, the creaking sounds of the floor, and an echo in some lines. Another audio blooper revealed that voice actor Benjamin Davis, who voiced Dutch Vander Linde, made a mistake in his lines and accidentally dropped the F-Bomb during the take, along with some lines of dialogue that did not make the final version of the game.
This is the latest video from the Red Dead Redemption Stories YouTube channel, which has previously uploaded videos arching content in Rockstar Game’s 2018 western-themed open-world title. The channel has previously uploaded videos such as uncovering audio files of hidden “flirty” lines from Dutch, compilations of all the recorded dialogue for several characters, and even cut voice lines for Arthur Morgan and Bill Williamson during one mission.
As noted earlier, Rockstar is very secretive when sharing insights on developing its projects. As X/Twitter user @videotechuk_ points out, fans have “never really gotten close to an internal blooper since [Grand Theft Auto] Vice City.” The closest thing to an official outtakes and bloopers we received from someone involved in a Rockstar Games project was Sam Henman, former senior artist at the defunct studio Team Bondi, who uploaded an official compilation of outtakes and bloopers for L.A. Noire.
While it remains up in the air whether or not Rockstar will make another entry in the Red Dead series, fans of the franchise can look forward to the upcoming book Red Dead’s History, which dives into the time periods the Red Dead games are set in while adding historical context. More interestingly, Roger Clark, who voiced Red Dead Redemption 2 protagonist Arthur Morgan, will narrate the audiobook.
Taylor is a Reporter at IGN. You can follow her on Twitter @TayNixster.