Fort Solis Directors on Adapting the Video Game for Film and Television
Game developer Fallen Leaf recently partnered with Studios Extraordinaires to develop film and TV adaptations of their 2023 sci-fi shooter-thriller Fort Solis.
Developed by Fallen Leaf and Black Drakkar, and published by Dear Villagers, Fort Solis takes place on the far side of Mars where engineer Jack Leary responds to a routine alarm at the titular outpost and his night only gets worse from there.
Studios Extraordinaires’ André Hedetoft and Andreas Troedsson are attached to co-direct the Fort Solis adaptation. In this exclusive video – which can be viewed via the player above or the embed below – the creative duo brings fans of the game up to speed on the adaptation’s development and explains why they’re making it.
Hedetoft and Troedsson were both blown away by the trailer for Fort Solis that dropped at last year’s gamescom and, upon playing the game, knew they had to be the filmmakers to adapt it.
“You have a super-cinematic immersive experience playing it, you have amazing characters and actors that brought them to life in the game, and you have some really creative people behind it, and I think this is exactly the kind of dream project to make,” Hedetoft said.
“We also have in this story some of the most interesting characters I’ve ever seen and you as a viewer or a player are thrown into that conflict with some really interesting moral dilemmas, ethical questions, and science-fiction thriller mysteries.”
Troedsson added: “I think both you and me, we love sci-fi, we love the thriller. When you have a few characters in a very isolated place – I mean, you have everything in Fort Solis, all those elements together. And the thriller is that you don’t really know who is right or who is wrong.”
“What we’re doing right now is the most crucial, the most creative part of the whole process,” Troedsson said. “What is the purpose of doing this as a film and how can we emerge it into this new audience as well that haven’t played the game or will probably play it after seeing the film or the other way around.”
Hedetoft added they’re currently spending a lot of time playing the game multiple times and discussing “the story that we want to tell. Are we doing this story from the game or expanding it? Or are we telling an entirely different encounter on Mars? I don’t think we can reveal any of that yet.”
While no one has been cast yet, Hedetoft said they are talking to “a couple of actors that we’re real excited about.” There’s currently no word on if Troy Baker or Julia Brown, who starred in the game, will return for the adaptation.
For more coverage of video game adaptations, read our Knuckles review and Fallout review, learn what Todd Howard told us about the New Vegas timeline debate, and find out what we want to see in Fallout Season 2.