Dragon's Dogma 2: How to unlock Warfarer
Looking for how to unlock the Warfarer vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2? As one of the advanced vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2, the Warfarer isn’t available from the game’s beginning. You’ll need to make an unusual booze delivery to a fellow in a remote region of the world map before you can use this complicated class, which combines skills from all other vocations into one spicy blend that has no equal. But if you’ve reached the endgame of Dragon’s Dogma 2, or simply love the idea of mastering what’s undeniably the most freedom-filled vocation in the entire game, you shouldn’t be bothered by the price of a few bottles of alcohol and a lengthy trek!
In this guide, we’ll explain how to unlock the Warfarer vocation to ensure that you’re on the right track when it comes to nabbing this jack-of-all-trades class.