Dragon's Dogma 2: Best weapons
Looking for the best weapons in Dragon’s Dogma 2? There are a plethora of weapons in Dragon’s Dogma 2, from fairly standard swords utilised by the Fighter to unusual incense burners swung by the Trickster. While most weapons are purchasable in shops, all cost a hefty amount of gold, and several top-tier weapons are only found in chests. Furthermore, the very best armaments in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are only available in the endgame, where they are sold by the Dragonforged.
To help you save precious time on your journey to defeat the dragon, we’ve taken a close look at the greatest fighting tools for each and every vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2. In this guide, we’ve broken down the best weapons, letting you know where to find them and how much they’re going to cost you.