Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Season 3 Patch Notes Reveal Significant Gameplay Improvements, Big Fixes, and More
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Season 3 kicks off today, April 3, and Activision has released patch notes revealing what to expect.
The patch notes, by developers Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch, include detail on the six new 6v6 multiplayer maps for Modern Warfare 3. Three of these maps are brand-new locales and layouts, while the other three are fresh yet familiar experiences. The Emergency 24/7 Playlist launches with the start of the season.
New modes include Capture the Flag and One in the Chamber, while the battle pass unlocks four base weapons, including the MORS sniper rifle and BAL-27 assault rifle from 2014’s Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. There are eight new aftermarket parts, two new equipment items, new perks, new operators, and new events with limited-time rewards.
As expected, there is a sweeping balance pass on Modern Warfare 3 weapons, as well as changes to the feeling of aiming across all input devices. On the latter, the developers have removed “variance” from aimed down sight idle sway, resulting in a “predictable and consistent motion curve.” “This change raises the skill ceiling and rewards players who take the time to master their favorite weapons,” the developers said. As for Zombies, there’s a new story mission, Dark Aether Rift, and a set of schematics coming in-season.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Season 3 Multiplayer and Zombies patch notes:
Season 3 introduces a total of six 6v6 Multiplayer maps to Modern Warfare III.
Three of these maps are brand-new locales and layouts, while the other three are fresh yet familiar experiences. Look for the Emergency 24/7 Playlist at the start of the Season, with other exciting Playlists to follow in the coming weeks.
Emergency6 StarTankedGrowhouseGrime (In-Season)Checkpoint (In-Season)
Kick it back in Season 3 with some all-time classics, then prepare for all-new Modes arriving later in the Season.
Capture the FlagOne in the ChamberMinefield (In-Season)Escort (In-Season)
…and more 🙂
Progress the Battle Pass to unlock four base Weapons, including the iconic MORS and BAL-27 from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014).
FJX Horus (Submachine Gun)
An ultra-compact SMG with best-in-class CQC damage and mobility.
MORS (Sniper Rifle)
This single-load railgun delivers a high-damage payload with excellent velocity and penetration.
Gladiator (Melee)
A compact, concealable punch knife that was initially used by gamblers and politicians.
BAL-27 (Assault Rifle, In-Season)
A bullpup prototype weapon designed to increase fire rate over time while the trigger is squeezed. The first 4 shots are slower to fire but highly accurate.
Add some spice to previously mastered weaponry with eight all-new Aftermarket Parts.
JAK Cutthroat
This 3D-printed stock provides an unrivaled combination of speed and stability while aiming down sights.
JAK Revenger Kit
This conversion kit turns the BP50 into a CQC legend. A 9mm caliber conversion with shortened receiver and high-capacity magazine.
JAK Jawbreaker
Converts this Shotgun into a hard-hitting, automatic Battle Rifle.
JAK Shadow Titan Kit
Converts the Bruen Mk9 into a compact and integrally suppressed light support weapon chambered in 300 blackout.
JAK Patriot
Converts the M16 into a fully automatic rifle with a heavy ported barrel built to provide superior recoil control and firing aim stability.
Relive the glory days, stir up the hornet’s nest, and take down your enemies, leaving no loose ends with these museum-worthy akimbo lever-action Shotguns.
JAK Atlas Kit
Converts the AMR9 into an extremely lethal and accurate 5-round burst carbine chambered in 556.
Photonic Charge Barrel
This hyper-advanced barrel is more than simply a barrel. Holding the trigger charges the rifle and releasing fires a single, high-power energy projectile.
Try fresh tactics with two new Equipment items arriving later in the Season.
EMD Mine (Tactical, In-Season)
Proximity-triggered mine that sticks to surfaces. Once triggered, the mine shoots out tracker devices that reveal the enemy location and direction until removed.
Enhanced Vision Goggles (Field Upgrade, In-Season)
Toggle between normal vision and enhanced vision with integrated target highlighting. Has limited battery.
Tailor your Loadout to your playstyle with all-new Perks in Season Three.
Compression Carrier (Vest)
Assisted healing and gas protection.
Modular Assault Rig (Vest)
Lethal and Tactical scavenger.
Gunslinger Vest (Vest)
Secondary Weapon specialist.
Reinforced Boots (Vest)
Immune to movement reduction effects.
High-Gain Antenna (Gear)
The minimap is zoomed out for you and nearby allies.
From cultural icons to new friends and foes, a small army of new Operators is on its way to Modern Warfare III.
BansheeHushSnoop DoggStasisCheechChong
Be on the lookout for Events with limited-time rewards to earn throughout Season Three.
Vortex: Vi.Rus MainframeCall of Duty Endowment: U Assist VeteransGodzilla x Kong: Battle for Hollow EarthBlaze Up
Corrected protection with the Aegist Imperials Blueprint to match the base Riot Shield.Resolved an issue causing Blueprints to lose aesthetics when saved as a Custom Mod.
Added an unlock status and game origin filter for Operators and the ability to sort by latest additions and name.Added a new option to the Settings menu to test all speakers in the current audio setup.Seasonal cinematic cutscenes can now be skipped.Tac-Stance status is now indicated on the HUD in the Firing Range.Weapon Mastery Emblem unlock requirements are now displayed in the Customization menu.Adjusted various Attachment descriptions and Pros/Cons listed in the Gunsmith to better reflect their true attributes.Gunsmith Attachment FiltersChanged filter combination logic from AND to OR.Selected filters are now reset after each game session.Removed redundant Locked and Unlocked filters.Filters button now displays actively engaged filters.Bug FixesKillstreak HUD overlays will no longer persist after destruction by the Stormender.Additional Perk slots are now displayed correctly in the Killcam.Applying certain Weapon filters will no longer unexpectedly kick the player back to the menu.Improved alignment of values in columns on the Scoreboard.Addressed an issue causing Weapon Mastery Challenges to not accurately display the progress of previous completions.Calling Card unlock criteria will now consistently appear upon hover.Resolved an issue preventing certain Emblems from being added to Favorites.
Decreased obstructive VFX while firing MWII Weapons to align with MWIII standards.Removed variance from ADS Idle Sway, allowing a predictable sway pattern.
Our next step toward improving the feeling of aiming across all input devices in Modern Warfare III arrives in Season 3. As previously detailed, aimed down sight idle sway discourages players from holding their sights for an extended period of time with a constant, subtle motion that introduces slight inaccuracy.
In today’s update, we’ve removed variance from aimed down sight idle sway, resulting in a predictable and consistent motion curve. This change raises the skill ceiling and rewards players who take the time to master their favorite Weapons.
Added Party Bonus XP, allowing players to earn more XP dependent upon the party size.2 Players: +25% Rank and Weapon XP3 Players: +25% Rank, Weapon, and Battle Pass XP4+ Players: +30% Rank, Weapon, and Battle Pass XPAdded an Armory Unlock Challenge for the Trebuchet Brake Muzzle Attachment.
AfghanAddressed an exploit that allowed players to hide within geo near the Plane.Das HausSet factions to Spetsnaz and Rangers, resolving an issue causing missing announcer voicelines.Added spawn points in the Storeroom in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Free for All Modes.MeatAdded spawn points throughout the map in Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint Modes.Removed specific spawn points near the Loading Dock to prevent spawning in the line of sight of an enemy.QuarryAddressed an exploit near the Industrial Road that allowed players to exit the playable area.ShipmentRenamed Shipmas to Shipment as it is now the permanent experience.Added collision to prevent players from accessing an unintended ledge near the Drug Stash.SkidrowIn Hardpoint, players can no longer contest the Destroyed Apartment hill from an unintended location near the window.SporeyardPlayers can no longer exit the playable area through the roof of the Red Warehouse.TetanusSet factions to OpFor and Task Force 141, resolving an issue causing missing announcer voicelines.VistaAdded collision to prevent bullet collision through the staircases near the Marketplace and Tower.Operation Tin Man (War)Players will no longer be prompted to use a turret occupied by another player.Players who join a match in progress can now see the control panels during the first objective phase.
Private MatchWhile the CDL Rulset is active, team kill penalties will no longer stack.Snipers Only (Limited-Time Mode)Restricted Killstreaks to UAV, Advanced UAV, and MGB.Disabled melee attacks, including Fists.
» Assault Rifles «
RAM-7Decreased neck damage multiplier from 1.3x to 1x (-23%).Holger 556Decreased upper leg, lower leg, and foot damage multipliers from 1x to 0.85x (-15%).
The Holger 556 now requires shots to land above the waist for a 4-shot kill.
MCWDecreased headshot damage multiplier from 1.3x to 1.1x (+15%).
With the MCW, 1 headshot will no longer result in a 4-shot kill.
DG-56Increased sprint to fire time from 178ms to 199ms (+12%).
» Battle Rifles «
SOA SubverterIncreased sprint to fire time from 256ms to 268ms (+5%).Increased aim down sight time from 270ms to 290ms (+7%).BAS-BDecreased rate of fire from 667rpm to 600rpm (-10%).Decreased recoil center speed by 6%.JAK Outlaw-277 KitDecreased sprint to fire time from 252ms to 226ms (-10%).Decreased aim down sight time from 300ms to 240ms (-20%).Decreased aim down sight rate of fire penalty from 150% to 135%.Increased medium damage from 74 to 90 (+22%)Increased minimum damage from 70 to 90 (+29%).
The JAK Outlaw-277 Kit is now a maximum of 2-shots to kill to all body locations.
SidewinderDecreased sprint to fire time from 231ms to 210ms (-9%).Increased bullet velocity from 600m/s to 770m/s (+28%).
» Submachine Guns «
RAM-9Decreased sprint to fire time from 178ms to 147ms (-17%).AMR9Decreased sprint to fire time from 189ms to 136ms (-28%).Rival-9Increased sprint to fire time from 93ms to 110ms (+18%).Decreased near-medium damage from 27 to 25 (-7%).Decreased medium damage from 25 to 23 (-8%).Decreased lower torso, lower arm, and hand damage multipliers from 1.1x to 1x (-9%).HRM-9Increased sprint to fire time from 94ms to 110ms (+17%).Striker 9Increased sprint to fire time from 100ms to 103ms (+3%).StrikerIncreased sprint to fire time from 100ms to 110ms (+10%).WSP-9Increased sprint to fire time from 88ms to 110ms (+25%).WSP SwarmIncreased sprint to fire time from 88ms to 99ms (+13%).
» Shotguns «
Added Long Haul 50 and Wolfcall 300 Muzzle Attachments to MWIII Shotguns.
» Light Machine Guns «
TAQ EvolvereIncreased sprint to fire time from 245ms to 257ms (+5%).Increased aim down sight time from 385ms to 415ms (+8%).7.62 Belt MagazinesDecreased neck damage multiplier from 1.4x to 1.2x (-14%).5.56 Belt MagazinesDecreased rate of fire from 857rpm to 789rpm (-8%).Bruen Mk9Decreased aim down sight time from 410ms to 350ms (-15%).RAAL MG (MWII)Increased sprint to fire time from 199ms to 216ms (+9%).Increased aim down sight time from 330ms to 380ms (+15%).Increased neck damage multiplier from 1x to 1.3x (+30%).Increased upper torso damage multiplier from 1x to 1.2x (+20%).Increased leg and foot damage multipliers from 0.9x to 1x (+11%).
» Marksman Rifles «
MTZ InterceptorIncreased aim down sight time from 280ms to 300ms (+7%).Decreased medium damage from 88 to 83 (-6%).Decreased minimum damage from 84 to 77 (-8%).Decreased near-medium damage range from 44.5m to 38.1m (-14%).
» Sniper Rifles «
XRK StalkerIncreased aim down sight time from 580ms to 600ms (+3%).KV InhibitorIncreased aim down sight time from 540ms to 580ms (+7%).SP-X 80 (MWII)Increased sprint to fire time from 270ms to 310ms (+15%).Increased aim down sight time from 570ms to 590ms (+4%).
» Handguns «
TYR12.7x55mm Snake Shot AmmunitionIncreased minimum damage range and bullet termination range from 14.5m to 19.6m (+35%).WSP StingerAkimbo WSP Stinger Rear GripIncreased rate of fire from 600rpm to 750rpm (+25%).
» Attachments «
Added initial aim accuracy benefit to all Heavy Bolts for Sniper Rifles.Cronen INTLAS MSP-12 OpticLaser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.SL Razorhawk Laser LightFlashlight is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.Laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.CS15 Scarlet Box LaserLaser is no longer visible to enemies.Verdant Hook Box LaserLaser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip.VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor MuzzleIncreased sprint to fire speed penalty from 2% to 5%.L4R Flash Hider MuzzleDecreased horizontal recoil control benefit from 13% to 10%.DR-6 Handstop UnderbarrelDecreased aim down sight movement speed benefit by 3-4%, dependent upon Weapon Class.Bruen Heavy Support Grip UnderbarrelDecreased horizontal recoil control benefit from 12% to 8%.
Revised Vest descriptions to clarify the max ammo benefit does not apply to Launchers.Quick-Grip Gloves (Gloves)Increased weapon swap speed benefit to a minimum of 40%, differing by Weapon.Ordnance Gloves (Gloves)Added a 20% Equipment, Field Upgrade, and Killstreak use speed benefit.Marksman Gloves (Gloves)Resolved an issue causing the 15% sway reduction benefit to not apply.
Stun Grenade (Tactical)Decreased victim aim slowness duration to 300ms.Removed aim slowness effect on victim’s equipped with Tac Mask (Gear).Victim movement and aim slowness now linearly scales down throughout the stun duration.Decoy Grenade (Tactical)While the Decoy Grenade is active, the player who threw it now gains the effects of Assassin Vest while standing within 20.3m of it.Flash Grenade (Tactical)Decreased close-range stun duration 4s to 3.5s (-13%).Increased medium-range stun duration from 2.35s to 2.75s (+17%).Increased far-range stun duration from 0.45s to 1s (+122%).Frag Grenade (Lethal)Decreased inner explosive damage from 250 to 225 (-10%).Decreased intermediate explosive damage from 150 to 130 (-13%).Thermite (Lethal)Increased incendiary damage tick rate from 2/s to 4/s (+100%).Decreased inner incendiary damage from 38 to 25 (-34%).Decreased outer incendiary damage from 15 to 10 (-33%).
All changes considered, the incendiary damage output of Thermite is increased by 33%.
Thermobaric Grenade (Lethal)Increased explosive damage radius from 8.6m to 9.5m (+10%).Increased inner explosive damage from 90 to 100 (+11%).Increased intermediate explosive damage from 80 to 90 (+13%).Increased fire damage tick rate from 4/s to 5/s (+25%).Drill Charge (Lethal)Decreased surface burrowing time from 1.25s to 0.75s (-40%).C4 (Lethal)Detonation can no longer occur until stuck to a surface for 500ms.Increased thrown velocity by 15%.Breacher Drone (Lethal)Increased drone health from 1 to 55.Increased drone velocity by 25%.
Heartbeat SensorAddressed an issue causing battery life to be reset to 100% upon being put away.Recon DroneResolved an issue preventing a warning message when flying out of bounds.
SAEAddressed an issue preventing explosives from damaging players in specific locations.Wheelson-HSPlayer will no longer become stuck firing their Weapon if killed while controlling the Wheelson-HS.SwarmDecreased minimum delay from target acquisition to attack from 500ms to 200ms (-60%).Decreased maximum delay from target acquisition to attack from 800ms to 500ms (-38%).Increased drone attack velocity by 75%.Increased drone attack damage radius to 8.9m.
Note: Swarm balance adjustments went live in an update prior to Season 3.
MWIII Ranked Play continues in Season 3 with NEW Seasonal Rewards to earn! Up for grabs is the Pro Issue Rival-9 Blueprint, new Divisional Large Weapon Decal rewards, and more! Below are the Season 03 details to keep in mind for returning competitors!
Content Restrictions UpdateWeaponsSMGsFJX HorusSniper RiflesMORSMeleeGladiator
End of Season Skill SetbackAt the end of each Season, your ending Skill Division will determine where you start the following season: Bronze through Crimson I Players are set back three Tiers below where they finished in the previous season.Example: A Player ending Season 1 in Gold III will begin Season 2 in Silver III.Players Crimson II and above will start Season 2 in Diamond I.
Breakdown: Rewards
Reminder: Players can earn MWIII Ranked Play rewards in three ways.Rank Rewards: Available at launch and can be earned in any Season.Players can continue their previous Rank grind in Season 3.Season Rewards: Available at the start of a Season and only available in that Season.End of Season Rewards: Rewards that are awarded after the Season has ended and represent either your highest attained Division or an active placement in the Top 250 Division.Season 3 brings new Seasonal Large Decals to unlock in MWIII Ranked Play!New Season 3 RewardsThroughout Season 3, players can earn the following rewards:5 Wins: ‘MWIII Season 3 Competitor’ Weapon Sticker10 Wins: ‘Pro Issue Rival-9’ SMG Weapon Blueprint25 Wins: ‘Absolute Banger’ Weapon Charm50 Wins: ‘Hold This L’ Large Weapon Decal75 Wins: ‘MWIII Ranked Play Season 3’ Loading Screen100 Wins: ‘MWIII Season 3 Ranked Veteran’ Weapon CamoNew End of Season RewardsAt the end of each Season, players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season or an active placement in the Top 250 Division.Season 3 Division RewardsBronze: ‘MWIII Season 3 Bronze’ EmblemSilver: ‘MWIII Season 3 Silver’ EmblemGold: ‘MWIII Season 3 Gold’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated EmblemPlatinum: ‘MWIII Season 3 Platinum’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated EmblemDiamond: ‘MWIII Season 3 Diamond’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated EmblemCrimson: ‘MWIII Season 3 Crimson’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated EmblemIridescent: ‘MWIII Season 3 Iridescent’ Large Weapon Decal and Animated EmblemTop 250: ‘MWIII Season 3 Top 250’ Large Weapon Decal, Animated Emblem, and Animated Calling CardPlayers must finish in the Top 250 Division to qualify for these rewards.Seasonal Division OperatorsEarn a Skill Division Operator Skin for use with both CDL Male & Female Operators on both Factions to represent your highest Skill Division. Once the Skins from one Skill Division have been unlocked they can be permanently used in following Seasons in Modern Warfare III and Warzone:Gold – Iridescent: Earn the applicable ‘Gold Competitor’, ‘Platinum Competitor’, ‘Diamond Competitor’, ‘Crimson Competitor’, or ‘Iridescent Competitor’ Operator Skin set based on your highest Skill Division reached over the course of the Season. Top 250: Unlock the ‘Top 250 Competitor’ Operator Skin set by finishing a Season in the Top 250 Skill Division. Players must finish in the Top 250 Division to qualify for these rewards.Ranked Play First PlaceThe player who finishes Season 3 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive an animated unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for ultimate Season 3 bragging rights
A NEW Story Mission, Dark Aether Rift, and set of Schematics are on the horizon. Check out the Call of Duty Blog for more details on what to expect later in Season 3.
Perk-A-ColasAether ShroudAddressed an issue that allowed Aether Shroud visual effects to remain on an Operator in Third Person for longer than intended.AcquisitionsRemoved the ability to apply Aether Tools to Vehicle Turrets.Note: While players could elect to use the tool on the Vehicle Turret, the damage would not scale properly which would waste the Aether Tool.
» Wonder Weapons «
The V-R11
Addressed an issue that prevented the V-R11 from transforming Warlord Bodyguards into Zombies.
JAK PurifierDecreased the amount of damage that the JAK Purifier does to Elite and Boss enemy types.The JAK Purifier was overperforming with the previous tuning against more difficult enemies. With this new tuning, players can still utilize the attachment to manage large groups of lesser enemies in all Threat Zones and use different tactics to engage more difficult foes.
Prestige ChallengesUnlock new Prestige Calling Card Challenges at each level of prestige reached, and select up to five challenges to track, including any from across the game.
Addressed an issue where the Containment Level would overlap the amount of customization options in the Recruit Operator selection menu.
Added various crash and stability fixes.
Wesley is the UK News Editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can reach Wesley at [email protected] or confidentially at [email protected].