ALGS veteran warns of “harsh reality” of what pro esports salaries look like

ALGS veteran warns of “harsh reality” of what pro esports salaries look like

ALGS veteran warns of “harsh reality” of what pro esports salaries look like

Pro players at the top tier of the major esports seem to have it pretty good, with most able to live comfortably between their salaries, winnings, and other sources of revenue. But one Apex Legends pro wants any aspiring players to be realistic about what many consider a dream job.

Pro player Will “TeQ” Starck says that over four years, he has made “around $70K” from playing Apex Legends professionally, between team contracts, tournament winnings, and streaming revenue. As TeQ notes though, this averages at roughly $1,500 a month, which he says would put him near the US poverty line (which is currently $15K a year for an individual) if playing Apex was his only job.

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