Riot nerfs several TFT Set 11 champions less than 24 hours into PBE testing
Riot nerfs several TFT Set 11 champions less than 24 hours into PBE testing
Less than one day into Teamfight Tactics Set 11 PBE testing and devs have already begun to tone down overperformers in Inkborn Fables.
PBE testing for TFT Set 11 began late afternoon on March 5, featuring a new mechanic called Encounters and over 25 traits. The first patch on March 6 will “start things off light,” according to game design director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer. Targeted through the update were overperforming champions like Irelia, Kobuko, Sett, Syndra, and Udyr. Also hit with nerfs were traits like Dragonlord, Exalted, and Umbral.