Oversight Pro Series returns with self-funded prize pools and commitment to growing Apex
In the realm of Apex Legends esports, ALGS reigns supreme—and alone. Over the last year and a half, almost all major third-party tournaments in Apex have dried up as esports winter continues its brutal march. But Oversight is aiming to change that.
Run by TSM team manager minustempo and former FaZe Clan analyst Chrono, Oversight is making a comeback in 2024 after setbacks last year scuttled their original plans for third-party Apex LANs. The new Pro Series announced today will help fill the void left by the last version of the Oversight Pro Series, Esports Arena’s Series E, and other third-party tournaments that used to supplement ALGS and give pros higher-stakes environments than scrims to see how character and weapon metas in the game were shifting.