Not another letter patch: Dota 2 players left disappointed by Patch 7.35d’s small changes
Dota 2 fans were expecting a grand unveiling after months of waiting, but Valve has again delivered a minor update, sharing an underwhelming Patch 7.35d release today. While the March 21 update does include some exciting changes, it fails to deliver the highly anticipated Crownfall update and players aren’t happy.
Apart from the itsy-bitsy balance changes in Dota 2 Patch 7.35d, the Valve team also shipped a reworked pre-game hero ban system and an experimental Dota Plus feature. Fans who could look past the Crownfall disappointment were excited about the ban system changes and the ability to inspect match details after finding a match. However, only some were able to show the mental strength to wait one or more months for the Crownfall update, which is expected to deliver a new hero and loads of cosmetics, including Arcanas.