LoL players agree Riot did everyone a service by removing one controversial item

LoL players agree Riot did everyone a service by removing one controversial item

LoL players agree Riot did everyone a service by removing one controversial item

Back at the start of the 2024 season, Riot implemented one of the most drastic itemization-related changes League of Legends has ever seen when Stopwatch was removed from the shop altogether.

This change made it so that League players had to invest far more gold into items like Seeker’s Armguard and Zhonya’s Hourglass if they wanted to maximize the stasis effect that previously came along with Stopwatch. In a thread posted to the League subreddit earlier today, players discussed the Stopwatch removal and the impact it’s had on the game, now that the community has had a few months to live with it. Across the board, almost everyone agrees the removal of Stopwatch has been a positive change. 

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