Fortnite’s latest patch nerfs a powerful weapon—and it’s divided players

Fortnite’s latest patch nerfs a powerful weapon—and it’s divided players

Fortnite’s latest patch nerfs a powerful weapon—and it’s divided players

Fortnite players witnessed a substantial v29.10 update being added to the game on March 26. While it brought a lot of fresh features to LEGO Fortnite, it also introduced some changes to Battle Royale, including a nerf to the Reaper Sniper, which has divided the community.

The Reaper Sniper no longer drops as an Uncommon or Rare weapon. It’s also now rarer to find in Epic and Legendary rarities, according to HYPEX, which is a huge nerf, especially considering its immense popularity in recent weeks. While a lot of players love the change, there are also as many (if not more) people who hate the tweak.

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