Blizzard will continue to make it easier to level new and alt characters in WoW SoD phase 3

Blizzard will continue to make it easier to level new and alt characters in WoW SoD phase 3

Blizzard will continue to make it easier to level new and alt characters in WoW SoD phase 3

It’s been well-documented that leveling in World of Warcraft Classic takes a lot of time, especially once you start hitting the game’s later levels. 

But in the third phase of WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery, Blizzard is making an effort to make some of those later levels (40 to 50) go by a bit quicker than usual. In a recent deep dive on all things SoD phase three, the WoW Classic devs discussed their decision to keep the Discoverer’s Delight buff—which has been increasing the rate at which your alt characters catch up on experience—active for main characters when phase three goes live next week. 

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