Apex Legends Tournament Postponed After Players Hacked Mid-Game

A big Apex Legends tournament came to an abrupt end after a handful of pro players were hacked during one of the final matches of the competition. Developer Respawn Entertainment and publisher EA have yet to comment on the situation, leaving folks frustrated with the state of the game and its anti-cheat tech.Read more...

A big Apex Legends tournament came to an abrupt end after a handful of pro players were hacked during one of the final matches of the competition. Developer Respawn Entertainment and publisher EA have yet to comment on the situation, leaving folks frustrated with the state of the game and its anti-cheat tech.Read more...

A big Apex Legends tournament came to an abrupt end after a handful of pro players were hacked during one of the final matches of the competition. Developer Respawn Entertainment and publisher EA have yet to comment on the situation, leaving folks frustrated with the state of the game and its anti-cheat tech.

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