Last Epoch: Best Rogue builds and skills
Wondering what the best Rogue builds and skills are in Last Epoch? The Rogue class in Last Epoch is well practiced at the traditional roguish art of slicing and dicing everything in close proximity with a dagger and bow. There’s more, though! If you also like setting traps, tossing smoke bombs like a shinobi, or even charging into combat alongside your trusty falcon, the Rogue can do all that as well.
There’s a lot to discover with Rogue builds, especially as you reach level 20 and need to narrow your focus down to the class’ three Masteries: the Bladedancer, the Falconer, and the Marksman. Below, we’ve outlined our favourite builds for each of these Masteries, along with the right Skills, Specialization Tree nodes, and Passives to select for each. Read on, and we guarantee that your Last Epoch Rogue will light up the battlefield with plenty of high damage numbers.