Worst Version Of Batman: Arkham Trilogy Pays Tribute To Beloved Actor

While the Batman: Arkham Trilogy may be something of a dumpster fire on Nintendo Switch, folks playing the superhero adventure games via the handheld-console hybrid found one redeeming element: a touching tribute to legendary Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy.Read more...

While the Batman: Arkham Trilogy may be something of a dumpster fire on Nintendo Switch, folks playing the superhero adventure games via the handheld-console hybrid found one redeeming element: a touching tribute to legendary Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy.Read more...

While the Batman: Arkham Trilogy may be something of a dumpster fire on Nintendo Switch, folks playing the superhero adventure games via the handheld-console hybrid found one redeeming element: a touching tribute to legendary Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy.

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