Pokémon Scarlet and Violet giving away free Darkrai, Shiny Lucario, and Master Ball with Indigo Disk Mystery Gift
As part of the build-up to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disk expansion releasing on Dec. 14, The Pokémon Company is launching three big giveaways for everyone who owns a version of the game. This includes two rare Pokémon distributions and a free Master Ball.
Darkrai is officially going to be made available in Scarlet and Violet through a special distribution running from Dec. 7 to 21. This ties into the Dialga and Palkia Tera Raid event running during that same time frame. To claim this Mythical Pokémon, players must go to the Mystery Gift menu and enter the code “NEWM00N1SC0M1NG.”