We keep track of all Pokemon GO past, ongoing and upcoming events. Find out about all Special Research Quests, Seasonal Celebrations, Community Days, GO Fests and Special Raids.
Source: Pokemon
Pokemon GO Raids in December 2023
Pokemon White legendary Reshiram and Mega Scizor have their 5-star and Mega raids respectively coming to a close Saturday 9th December.
Reshiram will be replaced with Zekrom in 5-star raids, and Mega Altaria will be the new Mega Raid. The calendar appropriate Kyurem rounds out the trio of Pokemon White legendries in Pokemon GO raid battles. Mega Abomasnow mega raids begin Saturday 16th alongside Kyurem. Shadow Zapdos will remain the active Shadow Raid until the end of the year. Finishing December 31st.
On the 23rd, Regigigas and Mega Glalie will take the 5-star and Mega Raids to finish December.
Upcoming Pokemon GO Events
Mateo’s “Along the Routes” event ends December 8th.
Winter’s Catch Mastery starts on December 9th, and focuses on increased chances of finding Shiny forms of the Snorunt and Bergmite families and Cyrogonal.
Pokemon Go Adamant Time will from the 11th-15th December 2023 and focuses on Shiny Kanto Pokemon .
Starting mid way through December, Winter Holiday: Part 1 is a Christmas themed Pokemon GO event, running from the 18th to Christmas Day. During this, the Winter Wonderland event will run for 23rd and 24th December, concurrent with a Wyrdeer Raid day to cap off festivities. Part 2 of Winter Holiday commences on the 25th of December, running until year end.
Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Days in December
During December and until the end of the year there are four Ice Type Spotlight Hours. Feebas has already ended on the 5th of December, and the three remaining hours are as follows:
Seel – 12th
Snorunt – 19th
Vanillite – 26th
Pokemon Go Events Community Days
Instead of a specific Community Day, December Community Day is December 16th-17th. During the 3 hour window of each day, players will see an increased encounter rate for these shinies.
December 16th
Slowpoke (Kanto/Galarian)
December 17th
Wooper (Johto/Paldean)
Final Minutes
During the last 10 minutes of each hour both days, the five Pokemon above have increased rates.
January returns to singular Pokemon focused Community Days with Rowlet (January 6th) and Porygon (January 20th)
Pokemon Go Battle League
Ultra League and Retro Cup run from the 8 – 15, December. Ultra League’s CP cutoff is 2500. Retro Cup’s cut-off is 1500 CP, banning Dark, Steel and Fairy type Pokemon.
Master League is running from 15th-22nd December alongside Holiday Cup will feature no CP limit. Holiday Cup maintains a 1500 CP cap, allowing only Normal, Ghost, Grass, Electric, Ice and Flying type Pokemon.
The last Leagues of the year go from 22nd-29th December. Great, Ultra and Master League feature 1500, 2500 and No CP limits respectively.
All listed leagues grant 4x Stardust for competing.
We know, frequent Pokemon GO Events are required to make sure that people dont think Pokemon GO is dead. As frequent as they come we will give you the dates and time to make sure you never miss one.
Read also: How to get Metal Coat in Pokémon GO: Metal Coat Guide