PC Gamer’s completely accurate predictions for the GTA 6 trailer

An in-game crypto system? A fictionalized version of TikTok? a fan boat cruising over a gator-filled swamp? All of the above.

An in-game crypto system? A fictionalized version of TikTok? a fan boat cruising over a gator-filled swamp? All of the above.

Do you feel that buzz? That’s an entire of gamers vibrating with excitement because we’re one day away from something we’ve been waiting a decade for: the official unveiling of the next Grand Theft Auto game.

On Tuesday December 5 at 9 am ET we’ll all lean toward our screens to watch a 91 second trailer for GTA 6—which we don’t even currently know is called GTA 6 for sure. Based on past Rockstar Games trailers we’re expecting to see a bit of a city (Vice City), some voiceover from one (or maybe two) of the game’s protagonists, and a bit of vroom-vroom and pew-pew-pew, before a fade out to a release date (we hope) and confirmation that the release date represents a simultaneous launch on both PC and console (we really, really hope).

But what specifically will we see in the trailer? Here at PC Gamer we have a few guesses. Here are our predictions for the first GTA 6 trailer.

A ‘Florida Man’ reference

We’ve all seen headlines like “Florida man without arms charged after allegedly stabbing tourist with his feet.” Rockstar Games is taking on Florida (America’s wang) and it’s gonna be filled with Florida Man stuff. The meme first got popular in the mid-2010s, which is about the time development probably started in GTA 6, so I bet the trailer has at least a glimpse of a Florida Man doing something: throwing a gator through a drive-thru window, calling 911 to get a ride to a chicken joint, breaking into jail to visit a buddy, or any of the hundreds of things Florida Men have made headlines for over the years.—Chris Livingston, Senior Editor 

TikTok influencers in the wild

(Image credit: Rockstar Games)

There’s no way GTA 6 won’t grapple with “social media these days” as Rockstar has in the past. Remember that Facebook office mission in GTA 5? TikTok has peaked in popularity in the last couple years so I bet we see a quick shot referencing modern influencers in the reveal trailer. Some joke about gymfluencers with tripods set up by the squat rack seems like a real easy trailer shot and I’d bet on a longer storyline in the full game.—Lauren Morton, Associate Editor

An in-game crypto market

(Image credit: Rockstar)

Grand Theft Auto has always made caricatures out of society’s ugliest facets, and there’s few more ape-able tech and financial trends than cryptocurrency and NFTs. Rockstar put a stock market in GTA 5 in 2013, so it’s easy to imagine a crypto equivalent taking its place in the next GTA. The studio has also had some direct contact with crypto: Rockstar banned NFTs from fan-made GTA 5 servers last year.
Evan Lahti, Global Editor-in-Chief

A playable corrupt cop

(Image credit: Rockstar Games)

Look, I’ve been making this prediction for almost a decade now, so the eve of the actual trailer doesn’t seem like the time to stop. Rockstar is a pop culture vampire, and there’s so much source material in stuff like The Shield, Training Day and The Wire to suck from. It’d make for some extremely-GTA  missions where you’re supposed to be doing actual police work but actually pocketing drugs, planting evidence, and conducting extra-curricular violence—though, the spotlight on police misconduct and institutional racism in the years since the last GTA game might inspire Rockstar to treat this subject with more tact. Even if you don’t play as a cop, expect big riffs on their misbehavior. —Tim Clark, Brand Director

GTA’s Disney World

(Image credit: Rockstar Games)

Grand Theft Auto’s rendition of Florida wouldn’t be complete without its most recognizable landmark. Rockstar already established its version of Disney World all the way back in Vice City: billboards for a “Fun World” park can be found in the game sporting the Disney font. The park isn’t actually in Vice City, so if GTA 6 goes big on bringing Fun World to life, we’ll probably have to drive to Rockstar’s Orlando. Now the question is: are they really going to stick with the name Fun World? It’s a pretty generic name even for a Rockstar gag, and the billboards really come off as a last-minute bit of fun. Maybe it’ll be a former Fun World, recently acquired and rebranded by a tech conglomerate. —Morgan Park, Staff Writer

A swamp boat

(Image credit: Valve)

The map will undoubtedly include acreage outside the city, like in GTA 5. Since we’re in Florida, that suburban and rural area will definitely include swampland, and since this is a videogame, that swampland will absolutely be traversable in one of those boats with the big fans on the back. Videogames freaking love those boats, from Half-Life 2 on. I’d put it at a 50/50 chance we glimpse one in the trailer. A crocodile may snap at it. —Tyler Wilde, Executive Editor


(Image credit: Rockstar)

Feel free to skip this one Rockstar, but it’s hard to believe that GTA 6 will skirt past America’s four years of Trump presidency. Though there’s a solid argument that his bizarre, dangerous, and outright stupid acts as president are too on-the-nose even for Rockstar. How do you satirize a man who is essentially a GTA villain in real life?
—Morgan Park, Staff Writer

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