Here’s just how much it costs to buy every skin in VALORANT

Skins are expensive in any premium free-to-play video game—and VALORANT is certainly no exception. With several hundred to choose from, some might wonder if it’s worth choosing at all. For those with the cash to burn, they might be better off purchasing every skin in the game.

How much would it cost to buy every skin in VALORANT?

If you were to purchase all 425 skins available in the VALORANT shop, that would cost 816,150 VP or $7425 USD. If you added on the cost for each battle pass collection, that would give you 273 more skins at the cost of $191 USD. Finally, if you nabbed the 9 legacy collection skins, that would increase the total cost by $333. Therefore, the grand total for owning every skin in VALORANT would roughly be a whopping $7949 USD.

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