Does Elon Musk know video games aren’t real life?
Does Elon Musk know video games aren’t real life?

Video games have the power to make you feel. Your position as an active participant in the story, not just a passive observer, means they can create potent emotions within players. That being said, I still know they’re not real, unlike Elon Musk, apparently.

In what is a truly unhinged tweet, Musk wrote that he’d never completed GTA 5 because it “required shooting police officers in the opening scene. Just couldn’t do it.” I don’t care about cops at the best of times, but least of all in a video game. The implication here that somehow, shooting police in a video game is any indication of real-world character is just baffling. Video games are not real life. The police officers you kill in-game don’t have a family, dreams, or anything else that makes you a bad person for killing them.

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