Blizzard finally fixed the Ashenvale PvP event in WoW SoD, only to break it another way
Blizzard finally fixed the Ashenvale PvP event in WoW SoD, only to break it another way

World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery launched on Nov. 30 with the new PvP Ashenvale world event. The event had a couple of glaring issues, and Blizzard finally fixed them.

On Dec. 7, Blizzard shipped a hotfix for Season of Discovery that increased lieutenants’ and generals’ health. On top of that, generals are now entirely immune to damage until their respective lieutenants are defeated, and they will do 100 percent increased damage if you aggro them before taking down the NPCs. Finally, the Horde general will strike up to 40 targets with chain lighting. 

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