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When Was Genshin Impact Released?

Genshin Impact took the world by storm when it was released. It emerged as a kind of competitor to the likes of Breath of the Wild, boasting a similar aesthetic and a large, open world that was just ripe for exploration. It became a sensational title when millions of players poured into it, thanks to the fact that it was free-to-play – and remains to be so today. In this guide, we’re looking at breaking down one key question: ‘When was Genshin Impact released?’

It might seem like it has been around for several years, but Genshin Impact isn’t all that old. It’s a relatively ‘young’ game that’s still seeing huge content updates all the time, which is nothing but good news for fans. In this breakdown, we’ll take a look at some of the most asked questions about Genshin Impact’s release. For instance, is Genshin Impact on Switch? And how much storage does Genshin Impact take on your console?

Let’s dive in.

When Did Genshin Impact Come Out?

Image Credit: miHoYo

Genshin Impact was released globally on September 28th, 2020, on PC, mobile, and PlayStation 4 consoles. Shortly after, it was released for PlayStation 5 – but not natively. It used the console’s in-built backwards compatibility capabilities. However, if you’re wondering, ‘is Genshin Impact on Xbox,’ you’re going to sadly be disappointed because even though the game was released more than three years ago, it still doesn’t exist for the ‘green team’.

That’s the same thing if you’re asking, ‘is Genshin Impact on Switch?’ It just doesn’t exist yet. For the longest time, the game’s developer has been touting a Switch release, but they’ve never gotten around to providing a day for it, making some fear that it’ll never come. It would do very well on the Switch and it would be a brilliant and ultimate competitor to The Legend of Zelda if it did. Perhaps that’s why Nintendo won’t make it accessible on the console…

Related: Is Genshin Impact Cross-Platform?

Wh0 Made Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact was developed by (and is maintained by) miHoYo, a Chinese developer with a massive footprint in the games industry. It has been in business for more than ten years, but up until Genshin Impact was released, the firm didn’t have too much success outside of the Honkai series. That’s more or less where Genshin Impact ‘came from’, given that the game is effectively a spin-off title from Honkai.

How Much Storage Does Genshin Impact Take?

So, you’ve answered the question, ‘When was Genshin Impact released?’ But it doesn’t end there, does it? Now, let’s take a look at how much storage Genshin Impact takes, just to give you a little more information before you go ahead and download the game.

On mobile, Genshin Impact takes around 16 GB of storage. It’s quite different on PC – the game requires up to 65 GB to run on that platform. That’s about the same on PlayStation 4 – around 65 GB.

Are you going to give the game a try?

Read More: Is Genshin Impact Pay to Win?

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