Top TFT streamer drops broken Set 10 Akali tech
Top TFT streamer drops broken Set 10 Akali tech

High Elo Teamfight Tactics pro player and content creator LeDuck discovered a loophole within Akali’s tech from Set 10, allowing players to cheat the Remix Rumble champion in as K/DA and True Damage. 

Riot Games changed up TFT with Set 10, showcasing musical themes and tracks for each trait while also having champions like Akali transform into one of her dominant traits of K/DA or True Damage. At the time of writing during the Patch 13.23 meta, many players felt like the K/DA version of Akali was stronger than the True Damage version, which led to content creator LeDuck discovering a cheat within the system that allows players to take advantage of both versions of Set 10 Akali. 

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