If you’ve finished a playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, you probably know just how irritating it is to complete Act Three’s Find Dribbles the Clown quest. As is internet tradition, one player found a meme that describes exactly how the quest made us all feel.
Players initially learn of Dribbles the Clown’s disappearance after being ambushed by shapeshifters at the Circus of The Last Days, and afterward are sent off to find any and all of his missing body parts so the circus’ necromancer Lucretious can put him back together. However, as you start to look around for his body parts, you’ll quickly learn the people who killed Dribbles didn’t just chop him up into two or three pieces. There are seven pieces of Dribble’s body you need to loot from various places in Baldur’s Gate, and the way you find them sporadically over the course of the entire final act. This led to one player finding the perfect TV show meme to explain every player’s reaction once they finally found all the pieces.