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Saudi Fighting League KoF XV is Global Qualifier for SWC

A monthly tournament in the roster of King of Fighters events is getting kicked up a notch, becoming an official Global Qualifier. The Saudi Fighting League December tournament has been announced as a SNK World Championship qualifying event, adding more weight to this tournament’s proceedings.

The Saudi Fighting League has hosted multiple games in the past, and been a part of other circuits. This December though will see a special tournament take place as another Global Qualifier. It’s one of a few happening in December all over the world. This is our end-of-year circuit for KoF XV. While the game is a little older, these major tournaments still elevate it to one of the biggest titles in competitive fighters. How will the qualifier work and what the other events already chosen are.

Source: SNK, Saudi Fighting League

Saudi Fighting League KoF Hosting SWC Qualifier

The Saudi Fighting League this year has included events focusing on King of Fighters, after previously covering games like Tekken. The League is an ongoing series running between July 2023 to the same time next year. These are usually run as monthlies. However, for December there is something a bit different. They’re hosting an SWC Global Qualifier instead. This will have a similar format to the standard week’s tournaments but will give those who win their slot at SWC. The qualifier is taking place on December 23rd, locking in another competitor.

The SNK World Championship is their premier circuit for fighting game esports. At this tournament, we’ll see the yearly finals for King of Fighters. Competing players come together from across the world to go up against each other. Gradually we’ll find our Champion for another year of King of Fighters XV. The Saudi Fighting League is becoming part of this process now that it’s a global qualifier. The winners here will go on to compete directly in the final. It isn’t the only qualifying event though. There’s another handful going on in December, like GHZ Hype Night and FGCL Korea. Before we get Frosty Faultings XVI and KoD Matsuri Nagoya in January. These events will lock in our final handful of hopefuls for the finals.

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