Overwatch 2 fan creates perfect meme to explain the current tank meta
Overwatch 2 fan creates perfect meme to explain the current tank meta

Sometimes the only way to accurately describe a video game is through the timeless tradition that is making memes, and on Nov. 19, one Overwatch 2 fan did just that to help everyone understand the state of tanking in Blizzard’s shooter.

In a post to Reddit, one player created the “Current stat of Tanks,” which includes a thumbnail for each tank hero and a quick description or image that shows either the personality of those that play the tank or what it’s like to play the hero. Some heroes got a somewhat simple caption. Ramattra, for instance, is just called “Tempo Tank,” and following his recent rework, Roadhog’s caption says, “We are so back.” Meanwhile, Reinhardt and Zarya are explained with a pair of meme images instead of words.

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