Now that LoL Patch 13.23 is released on the live servers, let’s take a look at the upcoming Patch 13.24 that is coming to the game.
Image Credit: Riot Games
LoL Patch 13.24 – What changes are coming?
Patch 13.23 welcomed a small list of changes, with the main goal of nerfing some of the outliers of the meta and buffing some of the least popular champions. Having said that, the most notable changes come from the turret gold change, as it will give boost the economy of the champion taking down the objective rather than splitting the gold across the team. It may not be impactful at first sight but it may push certain duelists back into the meta. We’ll have to monitor how the meta shakes up in the next two weeks.
For Patch 13.24, instead, there are a lot of big updates. We should able to get a first taste of the newest champion, Hwei, as well as the return of LoL Arena, as promised by Riot Games. Regarding changes coming to Summoners’ Rift, it’s likely that we will only get a few tweaks here and there before the new pre-season kicks off, which is going to be in January with Patch 14.1.
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Patch 13.24 Release Date
According to the official patch schedule, Patch 13.24 will be released on Wednesday, December 6. This will be the last patch of season 13. After that, there will be around one month of waiting to see the new season.
How will the upcoming patch impact the meta?
Given that we haven’t made many changes to the list, it’s still unclear how the meta will shape up. For now, there are only a few experimental Vel’Koz changes that have been revealed by Riot August on X.
Patch 13.24 Tentative Changes
E Travel time: 0.55 seconds ⇒ variable, 0.25 – 0.55 seconds based on distance
E missile spawns at Vel’Koz’s location ⇒ missile spawns at cast location
No longer draws the circle indicator until after the 0.25 seconds cast time (making it harder to dodge)
Fixed a bug where the spell would fizzle when Vel’Koz flashes or is knocked back at max range.
Upcoming skins
Winterblessed Senna – 1820 RP
Image Credit: Riot Games
Winterblessed Hwei – 1350 RP
Image Credit: Riot Games
Winterblessed Annie – 1350 RP
Image Credit: Riot Games
Winterblessed Hecarim – 1350 RP
Image Credit: Riot Games
Winterblessed Thresh – 1350 RP
Image Credit: Riot Games
Winterblessed Sylas – 1350 RP
Image Credit: Riot Games
Winterblessed Lucian – 1350 RP
Image Credit: Riot Games
Winterblessed Camille – 1350 RP
Image Credit: Riot Games
Prestige Winterblessed Camille
Image Credit: Riot Games
Crystalis Motus Ashe – ME
Image Credit: Riot Games