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Last Melee Coinbox Set to Go Out With a Bang

The Super Smash Bros Coinbox tournaments are a regular occurrence, with exciting online tournaments happening regularly. Thanks to the recent changes to Smash tournament guidelines though, the Melee side of things is going to have to shut down for a short while. Rather than just get cancelled though, Hungrybox is trying to make the last Melee Coinbox a fitting finale for the game! We’ve already seen first details like prize pool and some of the attending players get announced.

The last Melee Coinbox is rounding off a decent period of alternating both Ultimate and Melee. For a while, we got to see one of the newer Smash games and one of the best fighting games of all time take it in turns at these events. However, the recent tournament guidelines update has made it difficult to run Melee tournaments without a Nintendo licence.

While organizers are looking at a way to keep Melee events going in the future, this last Melee coinbox will be our last for the foreseeable future. What can we expect at the tournament?

Source: Nintendo

Last Coinbox Melee to go Out with a Bang

The final Coinbox Melee has gotten its first details announced, coming on November 12. The tournament is going to feature a prize pool of $6,000. It’s not just expecting the usual names for Melee events though. Some of the best Smash Bros players might be coming.

Two major players have already announced they’re taking part in the last Coinbox Melee, Mango and Chillindude. These two players are arguably some of the more well known in Melee, so it’s great to see them showing up in this last Coinbox Melee. While still active, both are from an earlier era of Melee. It’s great to see such historic players showing up for this final event.

This last Coinbox Melee is seeing the tournaments end for a while. However, it won’t be the end of a line. Organizers might be able to get a licence from Nintendo which will allow them to continue running in some form. The Coinbox series is expanding too. They’re hosting the Slimebox soon, an outing for nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. Hopefully we see the older Smash title back in Coinbox at some point soon though.

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