Last big TFT Set 10 PBE patch nerfs Heartsteel, Ekko, and Sona
Last big TFT Set 10 PBE patch nerfs Heartsteel, Ekko, and Sona

Riot Games dropped a significant Teamfight Tactics Set 10 PBE update on Nov. 13, nerfing overperforming champions and the Heartsteel trait. 

With just over a week remaining before TFT Set 10 hits the live servers, Riot shipped a Remix Rumble PBE update on Nov. 13 that contained “the last big changes,” according to game designer Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer. The branch cut before Set 10’s official launch is on Nov. 14, with possible minor adjustments taking place before the weekend. Some significant changes players should pay attention to include an increase in the Heartsteel traits breakpoints, along with nerfs to Ekko and Sona. 

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