Gaming YouTuber The Completionist admits to not donating over $600,000 to charity
Gaming YouTuber The Completionist admits to not donating over $600,000 to charity

Jirard Khalil, also known as The Completionist, is a popular YouTuber known for 100-percenting numerous video games. He’s also a recognized figure in the charity world, but recent videos by SomeOrdinaryGamers and Karl Jobst have revealed that Khalil’s own organization has withheld more than $600,000 in charitable contributions.

Jobst and Mutahar Anas of SomeOrdinaryGamers posted YouTube videos in which they shed light on Khalil’s Open Hand Foundation, which was founded in 2003 to help dementia patients and their families with the disease after Khalil’s own mother had been afflicted. The foundation has claimed to have raised more than $600,000 in the nine years since becoming a non-profit organization, although Khalil admitted to Jobst and Anas that none of the money has been donated to charity.

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