First TFT Set 10 PBE patch: Bag size reduced, Ziggs buffed, and Heartsteel nerfed
Riot Games dropped Teamfight Tactics Set 10 on the PBE servers on Nov. 7 and followed up with the first update on Nov. 8, fixing bugs while applying a few significant changes.
The first TFT Set 10 PBE update that dropped on Nov. 8 was small compared to previous sets. Changes featured in the PBE Remix Rumble patch were nerfs applied to the Heartsteel trait, a few minor Augment adjustments, around a dozen champion tweaks, and a significant bag change to four and five-cost units. The balance team still has work to do on Set 10, according to game designer Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer, but he’s “feeling very confident about where we can get this.”