Blizzard is going all in with WoW Season of Discovery, and Classic is doomed if it fails
Blizzard is going all in with WoW Season of Discovery, and Classic is doomed if it fails

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery is Blizzard Entertainment’s new take on the original game released back in 2004, with classes getting new abilities and fresh content. I believe this is Blizzard going all in on WoW Classic, but the future won’t be so bright if it fails.

First of all, Season of Discovery, unlike its predecessor, Season of Mastery, was announced at BlizzCon 2023 on Nov. 3 and 4. To me, this gives off the vibe that Season of Discovery is a big step forward and a change away from the traditional approach to Classic content, where the devs only refresh the old content a bit, but it actually stays the same. Season of Mastery, on the other hand, was announced via a post on Blizzard’s official page. Clearly, there’s a big difference between Season of Mastery and Season of Discovery from the get-go. You can say that Season of Mastery wasn’t announced at BlizzCon because the event wasn’t held in 2021, but I say this is because Season of Discovery is special.

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