All Starcat locations in Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish

Looking for Destiny 2's Starcats to complete the Wishbearer title? Here's where to find them.

Looking for Destiny 2's Starcats to complete the Wishbearer title? Here's where to find them.

A new Destiny 2 season, a new collectible. For Season of the Wish, we’re hunting down Starcats—cats made of stars. You’ll need to find all 14 of them to complete the Familiar Felines triumph, which is a necessary step for unlocking this season’s Wishbearer title. Doing so will also reward you with the Wyrmguard Ghost shell. It also seems like each Starcat you collect will be moved to the HELM—resting in a position that mirrors the location they were originally found. A ship full of purring celestial kitties.

Unfortunately, right now, you can’t collect all of the Starcats. They’re timegated it seems, presumably with new cats appearing with each new week of the seasonal quest. Check back in the future to see new Starcat locations as they appear in-game. In the meantime, here are the ones I’ve found so far.

Garden of Plenty Starcat

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“Within the Garden of Plenty in Riven’s Lair, this Starcat likes to peer down from a place of power.”

As the riddle notes, you can find this cat in the Riven’s Lair seasonal activity, launched through the HELM, but only if it sends you down the correct path. If the left portal opens when you start the encounter, then you’re good. If not, you’ll need to try again. If you haven’t completed it yet, you’re guaranteed to take this path during the Polysemy mission that appears during the first week of the seasonal quest.

The Garden of Plenty is the first of the two main encounters, where you’ll fight Sol Divisive Vex to uncage and then kill a Taken ogre. To the left of the platform where the ogre spawns, you’ll see a large moss-covered rock. Head to the area just in front of it, and look off the edge of the cliff. Just below you, you’ll see a small puddle with the Starcat in front of it.

Blind Well Starcat

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“Within the Blind Well, this Starcat likes to wait by the door.”

You’ll find this cat in the Dreaming City’s Blind Well activity, which you can now launch into directly from the Director screen. The Starcat is on the opposite side of the room from where you spawn in, on the other side of the font of starlight, up the stairs and sat in front of the big door at the back. It’s in the same location as where the boss first spawns when you trigger the heroic encounter at the end of a run.

That’s it for kitty collection right now. Check back next week for the next set of Starcats.

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