Starfield Mod Replaces Every Ship in the Game With Thomas the Tank Engine
Starfield Mod Replaces Every Ship in the Game With Thomas the Tank Engine

You don’t have to wait any longer: the most essential mod to any Bethesda RPG is here and, as per usual, it will fill your game with Thomas the Tank Engine.

The mod, which is now available for any PC player to download, converts all starships into Thomas the Tank Engine, complete with those lidless, dead eyes we know and love.

If you’re wondering why it took so long for such a critical mod to be brought to life, it’s because the modding community only recently completed most of the work necessary to make modding Starfield much easier, including making it function with the popular Nifskope editor. Meanwhile Bethesda’s own Creation Kit, which the company plans to provide itself next year to make modding easier, is still under development.

Of all the games that players create mods for, none are more popular than Bethesda’s, whose past releases hold all of the top five positions for most mods downloaded for a single game. Even without the Creation Kit, Starfield already enjoys a passionate modding community with over one million mods downloaded for the game so far.

Longtime Bethesda fans will remember the iconic mode from The Elders Scrolls V: Skyrim, which replaced all the scary dragons with far more terrifying trains, but if you haven’t seen it, it’s never too late to download it here. In fact, this meme might be more than a little bit to blame for the recent indie game Choo-Choo Charles.

Travis Northup is a writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @TieGuyTravis and read his games coverage here.

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