Sf 6 has had one of the biggest first years we’ve seen for a fighter, rising to the top of the best fighting games and staying there. Even with quite a few other games coming out, SF 6 definitely still has a pull and a decently sized player base. In terms of what there is to do though, the ranked mode has been a big deal for a lot of players. That’s what’s made the recent SF 6 rank data so interesting.
Grinding up the ranks to try and test your skills against the other top players is one of the best ways to play. Just how many people manage to hit those higher ranks though? New info has given us a clear idea about just how many players have managed to reach those top SF 6 ranks though. What percentage of players has made it that far up?
SF 6 Rank Data Says Less Than 4% Reach Masters
With such a sizeable playerbase, not everyone in SF 6 will reach the very top of the Ranked system. However, we’ve now got much firmer details on where players are grouped and what the bigger ranks are in terms of active players. Streamer AlietteFaye on Twitter has broken the numbers down and given an infographic that explains how the player base breaks up.
Source: @AlietteFaye
Specifically, less than 4% of players are in Master Rank! Platinum Rank is one of the biggest though with nearly 35% of players being located here. It’s then a steep drop off in Diamond. The lower ranks are also notably smaller. There’s only 12% in both bronze and Iron, and a little more with 18% in Silver.
These SF 6 rank data show where most of the player base has ended up. If you have managed to climb all the way up to Master, then you can likely take this news as something to celebrate! You’re in the top 4% of the online player base! Anyone in platinum or above can really say they’re in the upper echelon. Maybe not the world’s best Street Fighter 6 players but very impressive for the ranked mode.