Riot just backtracked on a huge VALORANT rank-boosting fix—but was it really justified?
Riot just backtracked on a huge VALORANT rank-boosting fix—but was it really justified?

VALORANT Patch 7.07 saw Riot Games revert a promising Competitive update meant to combat the game’s increasing botting and rank-boosting problem. Apparently, it was after players revolted against the change. While considering community requests is crucial for a live service game’s well-being, it seems the devs could have handled it better.

In Patch 7.06, Riot announced the tightening of VALORANT’s Competitive party restrictions, establishing that Ascendant players and above won’t be able to queue with Gold players and below—even in five-stack scenarios. The change was brought after the community reported increasing cases of bots in low Elos, smurfs, and rank-boosting practices.

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