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Rekkles officially parts ways with Fnatic – reveals what’s coming next

Swedish League of Legends legend Rekkles officially parted ways with Fnatic on October 12, making his goals clear on what he wants to do next.

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Rekkles leaves Fnatic following disappointing 2023 season

The announcement came by both parties on Twitter, and the European bot laner will be teamless for now heading into the offseason. The 2023 season proved to be a tough one for Rekkles. He rejoined Fnatic after a disappointing 2021 season on G2 Esports and having played one year on KarmineCorp in the ERLs. While fans were excited about his return, the results didn’t come along, as the team ended in the bottom half in the first two splits. While Rekkles wasn’t performing badly, he wasn’t a difference-maker like he used to be in the past few years.

As a result, Fnatic ended up benching him before the start and bringing in Korean ADC Oh “Noah” Hyeon-taek. Alongside Trymbi’s addition to the team, the British organization managed to turn around their season, qualifying for Worlds after getting second place in the LEC Summer Split. Unfortunately, Rekkles will not be part of Fnatic’s journey in South Korea.

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Rekkles looking to make a major transition in the near future

The Swedish player is looking to roleswap from the ADC position to the support role. While it’s something that had been rumored for a while, Rekkles confirmed it in his tweet.

In a dream scenario that’s me playing Support in the LEC, at least that’s what I’ve been grinding for the past 5 months. I don’t think I was ready for summer and therefore declined offers, but as of late I think I’ve reached a level of play on Support that’s relatively high. Obviously I’m open to playing ADC as well, but I think my persona, skills as a player and view of the game is better utilized on the Support role than the ADC role.

He added that his play as a support player will bring more value to the team than having played ADC and that he wants to do as much as possible to win games. Rekkles also did some personal introspection, which he shared with the fans:

I would like to believe that regardless if X person enjoyed working with me or not, they at least know that I made every decision based on what I thought would give us the highest chances of winning from my perspective. That’s not always going to be the same decision X person would make and I definitely can do a better job at meeting in the middle, but it doesn’t come naturally for me. I‘m a very “black or white” person and struggle with anything “grey” and that goes for everything in life, not just League of Legends related things. To sum it up shortly, I’m a “rigid” person (it took me a while to find this word so google it if you need to) and that comes with it’s really good parts and really bad parts. Just know that my intentions are pure.

While Worlds is underway, Rekkles will be looking for a new home ahead of the 2023 offseason. It’s unclear whether the Swedish player will be able to join a new LEC team, but for now, we know that if that were to happen, Rekkles would become a starting support player.

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