Pokémon is taking a completely new direction with live-action TV series
Pokémon is taking a completely new direction with live-action TV series

Pokémon is not known for taking big risks. The franchise constantly refines its comfortable, addictive, and approachable formula to appeal to long-time fans and newcomers alike. Cards, plushies, and the anime series all use this same iterative design process and heavily contribute to making Pokémon the biggest media franchise of all time.

It’s rare to see The Pokémon Company deviate from its winning formula, but upcoming TV show PokéTsume, or “Pack adventure in your pocket,” breaks away from tradition in the franchise’s first live-action series. PokéTsume takes a risky new direction as no creatures are included in this series. Instead, humans are seen mimicking the traits of Pokémon in a surprisingly grounded manner.

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