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Modern Warfare 3 Beta Being Disrupted By Cheaters (Already)

It didn’t take long for this year’s Call of Duty offering to be disrupted by cheaters, did it? What’s surprised most people is that it isn’t the PC market that has introduced malicious activity to the Modern Warfare 3 beta – it’s the PlayStation players. For years, Call of Duty has suffered immeasurably at the hands of cheaters, and over the last decade or so, the number of people using hacks and paid-for cheats in the series’ many games has skyrocketed.

Reportedly, there are some PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 players that have figured out how to cheat in the Modern Warfare 3 beta. We’ve seen clips surfacing of wallhack and aimbot exploits being used in the beta, which kicked off last Friday, October 6th. It’s a dire moment for Activision and its associated studios, as the beta is critical for setting up a positive sentiment for the game ahead, which is being released on November 10th, 2023.

That Took A Matter of Days

Image Credit: Activision

Now, it could be that Activision hasn’t put that much consideration into deploying the RICOCHET cheat engine in the Modern Warfare 3 beta. Or, it could be that malicious operators are already so used to how the engine works that Modern Warfare 3 cheats have already made it to the market. Neither option is a heartwarming one, and it means that there could be further disruption in store for the beta, which is due to go live on PC and Xbox later this week.

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Here’s the clip that was uploaded by one user on Twitter:

In some of the earliest reports on this topic, it was mentioned that the ‘prime suspects’ for the Modern Warfare 3 beta cheats are those that own ‘jailbroken’ PlayStation 4 consoles. For the longest time, PC players have been the subject of intense scrutiny, with many claiming that ‘it’s them’ that are the biggest contributors to the hacking pandemic. However, given that PC players don’t even have access to the beta yet, everyone is understandably stunned – with some players eating their words.

Does This Threaten Modern Warfare 3?

Not particularly – this is partly the point of a beta period. It’s essentially testing, and by revealing their hand in the Modern Warfare 3 beta, cheaters have given Activision’s studios an opportunity to correct things ahead of launch. If there are new cheats and hacks available for Modern Warfare 3, it’s a safe assumption that Activision will now strengthen RICOCHET to combat what’s being used.

In recent years, Activision has been on the warpath, bringing legal action crashing down around the heads of cheaters and cheat sellers the world over. From all accounts, Modern Warfare 3 could be the best game in years – even the game’s professional players are enjoying it. It has ticked boxes when it comes to movement, the weapons list, the maps, and even the campaign is shaping up to be something special.

Will Activision risk having it all ruined by cheaters on day one? Probably not.

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