Lords of the Fallen review: The best Souls game since Dark Souls 1
Lords of the Fallen review: The best Souls game since Dark Souls 1

When the first Lords of the Fallen launched in 2014, I couldn’t possibly have imagined I’d be reviewing its successor nearly a decade later. The original was clunky, frustrating to play, and worst of all, bland. It was the first attempt at a Souls game by anyone other than FromSoftware, which is commendable, but it certainly wasn’t a good one, and it was quickly (and rightfully) relegated to the bargain bin.

You can probably imagine my surprise when 2023’s Lords of the Fallen wasn’t just a competent Soulslike but one of the best games I’ve ever played. It has a vast and interconnected world the likes of which I haven’t seen since the original Dark Souls and dare I say it, Lords of the Fallen holds its own alongside—if not above—every other Soulslike and Souls game that came before.

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