LoL players makes it to Challenger with off-meta picks only, shares his unusual favorites
LoL players makes it to Challenger with off-meta picks only, shares his unusual favorites

When it comes to ranked play in League of Legends, there are many common archetypes. From the leavers to the junglers that always invade, to the toxic ADCs who spam the question mark ping if anyone takes their kill, and the one guy who always picks off-meta champion choices—but one of them actually got to the Challenger rank doing just that.

A player by the name of Isaac “Pekin Woof” Marconis, a streamer and former competitive LCS player, climbed to Challenger while only playing off-meta picks. Lots of them were in the mid lane where he competed in from his time on teams like FlyQuest Academy, but they also led to some of the most surprising champion builds anyone could spot in mid. He went in-depth with an AMA on Reddit, revealing how he got to Challenger and what wacky stuff he tried out.

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