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How to get free v-bucks in Fortnite: best tips and strategies

For every Fortnite player, there are some skins or cosmetics that they’ve spotted and would love to own. Unfortunately, V-Bucks come at a pretty hefty price. In recent months Epic has even hiked that price up along with making cutbacks like developer layoffs. Unless you’re willing to shell out quite a bit of actual cash, getting your hands on those items seems impossible. It doesn’t have to be; those skins you’ve had your eye on can be affordable if you know how to get free V-Bucks.

Looking good doesn’t have to come at a high price. Fortnite V-Bucks aren’t just handed out; you will have to do a little work if you really want to buy those skins.

© Epic Games

There are a few different methods that players try, but they can be divided into two categories. The first is the legitimate ways, the second is to use Fortnite hacks or Fortnite code generators to get free V-Bucks. This second method is a bit dangerous. These schemes often sound too good to be true, and they are. Epic has come down pretty hard on these services to keep their game secure. These methods are shut down as quickly as they appear, but there are ways to get free v-bucks in Fortnite.

This guide will show you how to get V-Bucks for free on every device. It isn’t going to be as simple as just clicking on a link though, the easiest way to get free V-Bucks without human verification is just to earn them through the automatic rewards given in-game

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How to get free Fortnite V-Bucks

There are a few different methods you can use to get free v-bucks. Some are quicker, and others are slower. They all do work through and you can start grabbing some of the best Fortnite skins just by optimizing the way you play the game.

Save the World

There a few options open to all players of Fortnite to get free V-Bucks. The best one is going to cost you a bit of money though, at least at first though. The easiest way to amass a lot of Fortnite V-Bucks is by playing Save the World.

This is a one-time purchase that will pay for itself by the free V-Bucks you can earn. This game mode offers a large number of V-Bucks as a reward for various tasks. You can rack up enough of them in this game that you can purchase plenty of skins and cosmetics back in the Battle Royale mode. If you want to know how to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite and are willing to spend a little bit of real-world money, this is a good choice. You can earn 4,000 V-Bucks just by playing the shield defence missions, the total number is much higher.

Source: Epic Games

Save the World is no longer supported by Epic. However, you can still earn your V-Bucks here. The game isn’t getting new content, but you’ve got room to grab free skins just by playing a different type of Fortnite.

Grinding In-Game

You can also gain quite a lot of Fortnite V-Bucks by grinding up levels. The free tier of the Fortnite Battle Pass has some V-bucks to award. By completing levels in Battle Royale, you’ll get 300 V-Bucks a season this way. After 3 and a bit seasons, that’s enough for a free Battle Pass. You could get all of the Chapter 4 Season 4 skins just by getting through the other C4 rewards.

Once you get the Battle Pass, you start getting a lot freer V-buck. You’ll then start earning 1,500 a season just for playing. That means you get to pick up the next one for free. Plus, another 550 V-Bucks. This adds up over a few seasons.

How to get free V-Bucks for Fortnite Mobile

Mobile users who want to know how to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite might be tempted by some of the modded versions of the app that float around online. These Fortnite hacks don’t often work, and when they do it is unlikely that you will hold onto those V-Bucks for long.

Long-time players should really consider their options before using these methods, Epic regularly locks the accounts of those circumventing their system in this way. Mobile players don’t have access to the Save the World Mode, but they can still earn some from the Battle Pass. It’s worth noting that iOS Fortnite is still difficult. If you use a Fortnite streaming app though, you can get through the Battle Pass on mobile for free v-bucks here too.

How to Get Free V-Bucks on PS5 and PS4

If you want to know how to get free V-Bucks on PS5 or PS4, you can go through a few of the same steps as playing on a PC. Just like on a PC, the PS4 Fortnite Save the World game gives you daily quests that reward you with V-Bucks if you’re willing to pay. Plus there’s still the Battle Pass with its free V-Bucks too.

Sony occasionally does promotions with Epic too. They offer a free pack of items for those using PSPlus. This is a good way to get free cosmetics from the game. There are also still the same options for getting V-Bucks through both the Premium and Free tiers of the Battle Pass. If you’re still looking to get a console before you move to PS5 for Fortnite though, there are other options too.

Some V-Bucks are also bundled free with Fortnite branded console. As a one-off start, this will let you get set up with some V-Bucks. Although, this method is hardly a sustainable or smart way to get V-Bucks. It’s nice for a good start though.

Source: Epic Games

Fortnite Hacks for V-Bucks on PS4

There are plenty of services who offer free V-Bucks without any work. These sites use Fortnite code generators to try and trick Epic. These sites might market themselves as a way to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite, but they aren’t to be trusted. Epic has a history of banning accounts that have utilised these services. They typically get more severe punishment than Fortnite players caught cheating. Some sites often evade detection for a while and seem to know how to get free V-Bucks without human verification, but they will get caught in the end.

How to Get Free V-Bucks on Xbox

Xbox users have just as many chances to redeem free Fortnite V-Bucks as those using other consoles. Much like with PlayStation users, those who know how to get free V-Bucks are willing to devote some time to playing Fortnite. Buying Save the World and playing daily, getting a daily log in bonus, and completing daily or event-based quests are the safest and most reliable ways to get free V-Bucks in 2019.

There is also the Battle Pass which gives you the set amount as other platforms. Plus, tie-ins for exclusive consoles. Xbox doesn’t offer as many promotional bonuses for subscribers as you’ll find on PlayStation, but the other options are still open to you.

Get Free V-Bucks from Microsoft

There are some different methods of getting free V-Bucks that are specific to the Xbox. This rewards devoted Microsoft users with the knowledge of how to get free V-Bucks in Fortnite. Microsoft has spent a long time pushing their search engine Bing on everyone. No one seems to really like Bing, although it typically does just as good a job as Google. To combat this, Microsoft now rewards you just for using Bing. They give you reward points just for searching.

Bing Rewards gives users points for going about their normal business online. If you search using Bing instead of Google on each of your devices, you can quickly rack up points on there. These points can be exchanged for Xbox gift cards, which you can then turn into V-Bucks. After you’ve exchanged these points through three different virtual currencies, you’ve got some free V-bucks! It is a little strange that a guide for how to get free V-Bucks needs to tell you which search engine to use, but it is a surprisingly steady stream for V-Bucks without doing much work beyond changing your default search engine. It works for getting free OW coins along with other game’s currencies.

Source: Epic Games

Tournaments and Creative

Those are all of the main methods for getting free V-Bucks in Fortnite. There are some other options which don’t reward you with V-Bucks, but with cash that you could easily swap for V-bucks though. Tournaments and creative mode will both pay out now. Players who get high placements in tournaments or make creative maps that have a lot of players will receive payments from Epic. You could use this for something else, or just reuse the payout to get some V-Bucks again! There are actually quite a few ways to make money playing Fortnite, great to even out any money spent on V-Bucks in game.

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