Halo content creator becomes the literal Master Chief with gravity hammer, shock rifle
Halo content creator becomes the literal Master Chief with gravity hammer, shock rifle

Australian Halo streamer and YouTuber Mint Blitz’s content is full of absurd plays and ridiculous multi-kills. His latest might be one of the flashiest yet.

First, Mint Blitz made a series of great plays with a classic Halo 3 weapon: the Gravity Hammer. To his credit, Mint Blitz understands exactly how to use the Gravity Hammer effectively, which is to utilize its area of effect and slight windup to kind of “pre-fire” corners. Following dispatching four enemy players, he takes out one of the flashiest weapons in Halo Infinite, the Shock Rifle, and goes to work at range. He takes out two at range before drawing the attention of an enemy Wraith, hides, and catches one more before making the crown jewel play in the multi-kill.

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