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Fortnite Gets Custom Lobbies in Latest Update

The latest update Fortnite received has spelt big changes, in everything from the weapon pool to the Fortnite item store. There’s another change which wasn’t been trumpeted in the main patch notes though which might be hitting you the second you login, custom lobbies. Fortnite now has different lobbies and main menus depending on what you want to do. In many ways, it’s a full redesign which is putting the variety of experiences available in Fortnite at the front and centre.

One big part of the current update is a slight redesign of your home page. Gone is the general screen with a character simply loitering. The UI has been refined to make room for the mode select section to be displayed across the entire screen. A big part of this is to push custom game lobbies to players.

When you look at the home screen, you’ll now see a different custom lobbies in Fortnite. Each has their own backgrounds depending on the mode. Content creators can upload their own for experiences now too. The entire change is going to make your general experience quite a bit different, but why has Epic made the change?

Source: Epic Games

Custom Lobbies Fortnite Redesign

The new custom lobbies Fortnite instituted are one way to better suit the tone of your game to the playlist you’re currently in. Whether that’s a Battle Royale, Zero Build, or one of the top creative maps. This change puts a bigger focus on the diversity of experiences in Fortnite. No longer is Battle Royale the main mode, with everything else just an option. Now pretty much the entire game feels like it’s on a level playing field.

This recent change lines up quite a bit with what we’ve seen for Epic’s direction since UNrealFN launched. Making the game a platform more than a title seems to be a focus. It’s also seemingly working. We’re already seeing collabs like the Kid Cudi X Fortnite collab get held in Creative simply as a platform, without Epic’s involvement.

The new custom lobbies Fortnite has added are going to make all modes feel like the main event. Great if you’re enjoying creative or you’re a map maker who wants to stamp even more personality on what you’ve built.

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