Detective Pikachu Returns has a catch-up video for those who missed the original
Detective Pikachu Returns has a catch-up video for those who missed the original

The game is afoot once more as Detective Pikachu and Tim continue their quest to find Harry, Pikachu’s long-lost partner and Tim’s dad. Unless you played the original game in 2016 or caught the live-action adaptation in theaters three years after, you might be out of the loop as to why exactly a talking Pikachu and a 21-year-old man are running amuck playing Sherlock Holmes.

Detective Pikachu is a spin-off of the Pokémon franchise with storytelling mechanics reminiscent of the long-running Pokémon anime. But maybe you missed the memo on Detective Pikachu all those years ago and joined the fray after hearing of a sequel. If that’s the case, Nintendo has released a handy “previously on” video to either jog your memory or fill you in from scratch for first-time exposure to the franchise.

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