Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost returns with new focusing system and revamped rewards
Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost returns with new focusing system and revamped rewards

With Halloween right around the corner, players have been hotly anticipating the return of Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost event to get into an appropriately spooky mood for the holiday. In today’s This Week in Destiny blog, Bungie dropped the first details about what players can expect from the event’s 2023 iteration, revealing that it’s undergoing some fairly significant updates when it launches next week.

Haunted Sectors will be making a return as the event activity again but will now offer an alternatively higher difficulty option called Legend Haunted Sectors. For braving the trials and tribulations of the Legend mode, players will receive a higher drop chance for a new event currency, Eerie Engrams. Taking the lessons learnt from other focused loot pursuit tools in Destiny 2, Eva Levante gives players the ability to focus these Eerie Engrams into deterministic rewards throughout the event.

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