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Brawlhalla Ranked Season 30 Launches

The latest patch for Brawlhalla kicked off the Halloween event, lots of fun for more casual players. There’s plenty for the more serious-minded players to get involved in though. For a start, this is going to be the Brawlhalla Ranked Season 30! This is a brand-new season for the competitive side of the game.

Brawlhalla Season 30 will partially reset the rank system with players again tasked with climbing up to the very top. While Brawlhalla holds frequent tournaments, these Ranked seasons are a permanent way to grind away at Brawlhalla. Getting to the top of each season is definitely something to brag about. How’s it all going to work?

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

Brawlhalla Ranked Season 30 Begins

Brawlhalla Ranked Season 30 is a soft reset for ranks in the game. You’ll have some placement fights to get through to decide which level you’ll start off in. If you perform well in these, then you’ll have a much quicker experience climbing up the Brawlhalla ranks for Season 30.

Brawlhalla’s latest season crossover has players again trying to climb up the ranks. However, there’s another thing player will have to think about. Glory, a unique currency in the game, will be waarded based on achievements in the last season. As we’re now in Season 30, the Glory amassed in the past can be redeemed. You can head over to the store and redeem the Glory for new items. There’s Skyforged and Goldforged rewards available. You’re not quite getting one of the rarest Brawlhalla skins. However, it is a way for players to get some rewards for performing well which is always a bonus.

These new Ranked seasons are a fun test of skills for players. In terms of the higher level of the game though, we’re currently building to something much bigger. We’re in the home stretch for this season’s competitive Brawlhalla. That’s going to culminate in the Brawlhalla World Championship soon. It’s going to be a major tournament where the very best players will fight it out to find a champion for the year. In the meantime though, these Ranked seasons are a fun alternative too.

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