A tall mountain to climb: LCS representatives seek to change NA narrative at LoL Worlds 2023
A tall mountain to climb: LCS representatives seek to change NA narrative at LoL Worlds 2023

While the LCS and the League of Legends World Championship have long had a complicated relationship, last year marked a new low in the history of North America’s performance on the biggest international stage of the year. Despite Worlds 2022 taking place on home turf throughout the U.S. and Mexico, all three of the NA representatives fell victim to the LCK and LPL during the group stage, securing only a total of three wins for the LCS as a whole.

Something had to change. Even with the constantly altering landscape headlined by the newest and greatest prospective international talent, this was the same result the LCS faced nearly every year at Worlds. Conversations were no longer centered around which talent could emerge as the new face of North America from the amateur and Academy scenes. Instead, it became how much the individual LCS teams were willing to spend to import extraordinary players for even a slight chance at success internationally.

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