Riot Games finally launched local servers in Cape Town, promising a gaming experience for VALORANT players like never before. The servers are part of the EU shard, and if you’re in South Africa, the automatic server selection will likely connect you to Cape Town.
Don’t worry, you can also manually select it from the dropdown menu in the game lobby.
Source: Twitter | @LORDVANBLOOTgg
The wait is over
It took Riot Games longer than anticipated, but the company has finally delivered on its promise to bring local servers to South Africa. The move is a significant step towards offering South African players the Valorant experience they deserve.
While the servers are up and running, South Africa doesn’t have a Premier zone just yet. If you’re looking to jump into Premier, you’ll still have to choose from one of the four main Premier regions in the EU. Riot’s Premier team is currently analyzing data from Stage 1 to determine the next steps for the region.
This is however great news for the grassroots esports scene that has been growing in South Africa over the past two years. With their own servers, we can finally get some low ping competition going down below.
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